
Your Hometown Pediatrician
Keeping Pueblo's Families Healthy

Since younger children are more susceptible to infection, we recommend that ear-piercing be done on-site by a medical professional, not by a store employee. We will also apply a topical anesthetic 30 minutes prior to the procedure to maximize pain control.
For medical ear-piercing, Steel City Pediatrics partners with Blomdahl Medical Beauty, which provides skin-friendly materials and simultaneous ear-piercing. We are offering this service for infants 4 1/2
months to 10 months and for children 5 years of age and older. This ensures that infants have received their 2 sets of vaccines, including DTaP, and allows the ear to grow big enough for more accurate placement of the earring. Your child age 5+ needs to be able to sit quietly during the procedure and participate in responsible aftercare to ensure a good outcome. The team reserves the right to cancel the procedure if they feel the situation may be unsafe due to a child’s inability to cooperate. If we are able to pierce one ear and the child won’t cooperate for the second ear then you will still be charged the full price for both ear piercings. It’s important with older children to make sure that this is a procedure that your child wants. There is a slight pinch even with the numbing cream and a possibility of being sore afterwards.
Medical ear-piercing is available by appointment only.
Call the office at (719) 766-9398 to make your appointment!
Ear Piercing FAQ’s
What are the advantages of having your child’s ears pierced at Steel City Pediatrics?
Steel City Pediatrics uses the Blomdahl medical ear piercing system, which we believe provides a safe procedure for piercing your child’s ear. The Blomdahl system uses a sterile disposable cartridge that is replaced with every piercing.
When having the procedure performed in a medical office, you have professional care from someone trained in medical technique and wound management. It also gives you ready access to medical professionals for any questions, problems, or concerns before, during, or after the procedure.
What kinds of earrings are used?
The earrings are in a sterile cartridge attached to a piercing device. The base and post are made of medical-grade plastic or titanium. The use of medical plastic is encouraged with the initial piercing. This reduces the risk of developing nickel allergy from a metal post.
Will it hurt?
The child can experience a pinch and stinging sensation, similar to a vaccine injection, during the procedure even with numbing cream.
What are the risks?
Ear piercing is a minor surgical procedure with similar risk to stitches or abscess drainage. Despite precautions, there is a small chance of infection, scarring or allergic reactions. Some people are prone to scarring and there is a small risk that a person could develop a keloid (an overgrown scar) formation at the piercing site. We do ask that you sign an informed consent waiver at the time of the procedure to verify that you have been notified of these risks.
How do I care for my child’s ears afterwards?
After piercing, you must clean the ear lobe with soap and water twice daily. Every effort should be made to use clean hands whenever touching the ear or earrings. The initial piercing must be left in for 6 weeks before replacing.
If you need replacement earrings, please visit the Blomdahl website at www.blomdahlusa.com.
Do you offer piercing of any body part other than the ear lobe?
We will do the first and second piercings, but we will not pierce the cartilage of the upper ear.
How much will it cost?
Ear piercing costs $100.00. This procedure will not be billed to insurance. You must pay in full (cash or credit card) prior to the procedure at check-in. Our prices include the earring(s), the piercing procedure, and aftercare instructions. Please note, we only offer a partial refund of $50 if we are unable to complete the piercing due to safety concerns, incomplete immunizations, an uncooperative child, etc. The remaining $50 may be a credit to a future ear piercing appointment if scheduled within 30 days from the initial attempt. This credit is not to be used for any medical bills, but only ear piercing appointments.