
Your Hometown Pediatrician
Keeping Pueblo's Families Healthy
First few days: 2-3 oz (60-90 mL) per feed, every 3-4 hours
First few weeks: If your baby sleeps more than 4-5 hours, wake them up so they do not miss a
By end of first month: Your baby should be up to 4 oz with a somewhat consistent feeding
At six months: 6-8 oz (180-240 mL) per feeding, with 4-5 feedings over a 24-hour period.
Typically, your baby should have 2 ½ oz a day for every pound of their body weight. However,
your baby will regulate their intake, and it is important to meet their needs. Certain cues from
your baby will indicate if they’re full or still hungry.
Choosing your baby’s formula
Cow’s-milk based
This is the most common type of formula on the market. The cow’s milk in this type of formula
is changed considerably to meet the needs of an infant. For example, more lactose is added,
and the formula is made easier to digest. Additionally, cow’s milk formula is typically fortified
with important nutrients such as iron, DHA, AHA, and probiotics. An extensively hydrolyzed
formula, also called “predigested”, may be helpful if your baby struggles with digestion.
Soy formulas
Soy formulas have a different protein (soy) and carbohydrate (glucose or sucrose) than the cow
milk-base formula. These formulas are also fortified with nutrients. There are few situations
where your pediatrician would recommend soy-based formulas over cow’s milk-based. These
situations include lactose intolerance, milk allergies, or families who are strictly vegetarian.
Specialized formulas
There are other types of formulas which are specialized towards certain conditions. For
example, there may be a special formula required for a premature baby. If your doctor
recommends a special formula, be sure to follow the directions he gives, as the protocols may
vary with specialized formulas.
Changing formulas
If you find that you baby is having issues with their current formula, be sure to schedule a visit
with your doctor. Your doctor can help identify the issue and guide you to the right formula for
your baby. In some instances, changing your baby’s formula is not the solution.
Additional links and information:
Bottle-Feeding (Formula) Questions
Preparing Infant Formula Important Safety Information