
Your Hometown Pediatrician
Keeping Pueblo's Families Healthy
When is my baby ready?
When your baby can start solid foods depends on your baby’s development. Typically, at your
baby’s 4-month visit, the doctor will consider if they are ready for solid food. The key
developmental milestones your baby needs to reach are as follows:
1. Your baby can sit up in a highchair, can hold their head up, and has good head control.
2. If your baby seems interested in food and opens their mouth when food comes their
way, they may be ready for solids.
3. If your baby seems hungry even after nursing, they may be ready for solid foods.
4. Your baby must be able to move food to the back of their throat. If your baby spits out
the food the first time you try feeding them, this may be normal. Solid food is a foreign
texture to your baby and diluting the food with breastmilk or formula may be helpful. If
diluting the food doesn’t solve the problem, your baby may not be ready. Try the
process again in a few weeks.
5. Before starting solid foods, your baby must be big enough. Around 4 months, your baby
is expected to double in size. It is recommended that your baby is 13 lbs or more before
starting solid foods.
What foods should I try?
Whether you decide to buy premade food, or make it yourself, there’s a few key factors to keep
in mind:
1. Food must be soft or pureed. This is important to prevent choking. These foods can
include fruits, vegetables, and rice cereals.
2. Start one “single-ingredient” new food every 3 to 5 days. Pay attention for any
3. Make sure you include foods that are nutrient rich, containing essential minerals like
iron and zinc. If buying premade food, be sure that the food is “fortified”. Also be sure
that premade foods are specifically for babies.
What should I expect after starting solid foods?
When your baby starts solid foods, their stools will be more solid and variable in color. The new
foods will also change the odor. Certain foods may change the color of the stool to green or
red, such as green vegetables or beets respectively. If your baby’s stools are loose, watery, or
contain mucus, it may indicate that your baby’s digestive tract is irritated. At this point, you
should slow down the new food introduction. If the problem does not resolve, you should see
your baby’s doctor to identify the cause.
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